We serve North Carolina’s Triangle Area as a Muslim youth program with the purpose of instilling Muslim values to young adults with the spirit of scouting
We serve North Carolina’s Triangle Area as a Muslim youth program with the purpose of instilling Muslim values to youths through scouting.
This program is a Muslim only program that isn’t affiliated to a specific mosque. It is focused on serving the Triangle Research Park Area and is chartered by the NAMAS, the National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting.
We now have the following units:
If you would like to help sponsor a scout/scouter, or donate otherwise to the unit, please click on the donate button. Your donation is tax deductible from our chartering organization, NAMAS, a registered 501(c)(3).
BSA stands for Boy Scouts of America
He or she is faithful in their religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion. Our units are chartered by the National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting (NAMAS) in support of the goals and values of NAMAS.
No. We are here to serve all Muslim youth regardless of mosque affiliation or ethnicity or country of origin
The unit may meet on one or more weekends to perform volunteer work or other group activities.
The unit plans to participate in BSA organized summer activities and events.
Costs are divided into Annual BSA Registration Fees and Monthly Unit Dues.
Annual BSA Registration Fees
– This is set by the National office of the BSA and is currently about $160 per youth
Monthly Unit Dues
– There is an estimated basic annual cost of about $200 per year which is about $20 per month. This does not include camps and other optional resources
A group of volunteer parents in the local community with scouting experience with the goal of teaching Muslim kids to be community leaders.
Of course, girls can join. Although the organization is named Boy Scouts of America (BSA), all the programs are available to both boys and girls. Youth protection is paramount to BSA and as such, program activities are often divided up, taking into consideration both gender and age.
Ages: Boys and Girls Grades K-5
Boys and girls have seperate dens within the pack.
Ages: Youth 11-17
Boys and girls have different troops.
Yes, registration is open year round although we do not have many activities during the summer vacation as we follow the WCPSS traditional calendar
Go to the About Us menu and select the appropriate unit for your child to find the registration link
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